
All Faculty and Staff are expected to abide by the policy at all times.

Although the University may entrust you with the use of 语音信箱, 电子邮件, 电脑文件, 软件, 或类似大学物业, you should keep in mind that these items have been installed and maintained at great expense to the University and are only intended for business purposes. At all times, they remain University property. 同样的, 所有记录文件, 软件, and electronic communications contained in these systems are also property of the University.

You are advised that the following are not private: electronic 文件, records and communications on the University 计算机系统, 电子通信系统, or University telecommunications equipment. Although they are a confidential part of the University’s property, you should not use this equipment or these systems for confidential messages. The use of passwords to limit access to these systems is only intended to prevent unauthorized access to voice mail, 电子邮件, 计算机系统, 文件, 和记录. 另外, these systems are subject to inspection, Search, and/or monitoring by University personnel for any number of business reasons. 相应的, these systems and equipment should not be used to transmit personal messages, except in necessary situations or when exceptions are specifically sanctioned by management. Voic电子邮件 messages and 电子邮件 messages should be routinely deleted when no longer needed.

You should be advised to use voice mail and 电子邮件 as cautiously as you would use any more permanent communication medium such as a memorandum or letter. You should realize that 电子邮件 messages:

  • May be saved and read by third parties
  • May be retrieved in litigation even after deletion
  • May be accessed by authorized service personnel, or
  • May be examined by management for business purposes, without notice

To protect the University and to maintain network resources:

  • Offensive, 诽谤, 淫秽, or racist messages may not be sent or forwarded to anyone
  • If you receive such a message you are to report it to Human 资源 immediately
  • 不要通过电子邮件发送病毒
  • Do not open attachments from unknown sources
  • Unsolicited 电子邮件 or chain mail should not be sent or forwarded
  • Personal use of Concordia's 电子邮件 system is to be kept at a minimum. Problems should be addressed by your supervisor and Human 资源 notified.
  • Do not install any 软件 without the express written permission of the IT department
  • 下载或观看令人反感的内容, 诽谤, 淫秽, or racist material is prohibited and may be cause for termination
  • Do not alter electronic data without proper authorization

There will be times when you are unavailable, 但是大学, 为了开展业务, will utilize its ability to access your 电子邮件, 语音信箱, 电脑档案或软件, 或其他大学财产. The University also may inspect the contents of your 语音信箱, 电子邮件, 电脑, 电脑文件, or 软件 to monitor job performance, for training or quality control purposes, or when the University suspects that University property is being used in an unauthorized manner. You will be notified when this has occurred.

You are responsible for what happens at your workstation, under your password. The University recommends that you refrain from giving your password to colleagues or student workers.

It is reasonable to assume that some Faculty/Staff may use campus technology in ways that are illegal or that violate provisions of the Faculty Handbook. Such behaviors are prohibited and should be reported immediately. Whereas an exhaustive list of such behaviors would be impossible to generate, the following are specific examples of prohibited behavior:

  • 连接任何设备(e.g. a wireless router) other than a personal computer to a University data network port
  • Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change its contents
  • 未经授权的转移, 复制, and/or downloading of 文件 (including use of peer-to-peer file-sharing programs to download 复制righted materials)
  • Unauthorized use on another individual’s identification and/or passwords
  • Use of technology to send or receive 淫秽, abusive, or pornographic content
  • Use of technology to harass any person or persons
  • Use of computer facilities to interfere with normal operation of the University computer system
  • Manipulation of the University telephone system that results in telephone bills being assigned to another individual or the University