
带我一起走——神学反思. 莱奥波尔多一. 桑切斯米.

《菲律宾十大网赌网站》这首歌就是从这座桥开始的, 怎样在祷告中为接近圣灵定下合适的调子呢. 说到诗人在上帝面前惊奇的姿态, the song begins and ends with an address to the Holy Spirit in the form of two questions: “Where are You going? /你要去哪里?而不是自己去寻找圣灵的运动和方向, the supplicant humbly asks the Holy Spirit to take control and guide him on a journey to grasp more deeply His works in creation and in his own life: “带我一起走吧 / Can I come with You?”

The first half of the first verse recalls 精神’s work of creation from the beginning, recalling His hovering over the waters of the deep in the opening verses of Genesis: “You were over the waters / Over dark and deep."甚至在创世的第一天之前, 哪里有黑暗和光明, 晚上和早上, 圣灵已经临在并且活跃. 在生物形成之前, 圣灵已经在那里了:“天亮以前,万物都睡着了。.“圣灵在光的前面,使受造之物和其中所有的活物都有生命. 一种强烈的圣灵神圣主动性的感觉由此而来.

The second half of the first verse moves from remembering the Holy Spirit’s works in creation to His creative activity in our own lives. The flow of the profession is from 精神’s work in the past to His work in the present, 从普遍到特殊, from 精神’s hovering over the waters of the first creation to His hovering over us in the baptismal waters of the new creation. The Spirit’s descent over us in baptism makes us a new creature: “When I was in that water / You were over me."就像圣灵在那里" "一切都还在沉睡,圣灵在我们“知道”他的同在之前就已经在那里了. 因为造物主的精神总是在我们前面, 圣灵有能力自由行动,出于对我们的爱. 这样我们就不寻求圣灵了, 但圣灵寻求我们,说:“我还不知道,你就追赶我。.” The song displays a strong sense of 精神’s divine initiative on behalf of those whom He initiates into the new life through baptism into Christ.

第一次明确指出圣灵的名字, 第一个合唱从始至终承认他在救恩故事中的工作. The titles for 精神 have the modest goal of highlighting 精神’s nearness to us—His being from below, so to speak: “You are the Holy Spirit / My Counselor and friend / You’ve always been at work / Beginning ‘til the end.” The chorus already acknowledges 精神’s identity from above by pointing to His lordship across the ages (“Beginning ‘til the end”). 此外, 精神, 不像道成肉身的圣子, 是看不见的, 指向他的神秘和超然. The move from above fundamentally accentuates the distinction between God and creation because 精神’s work always takes place according to His will and apart from human initiative: “We may not see You now / But it won’t stop what You’ll do.一个无端的圣灵形象出现了, 在他与那些被他称为圣的人的关系和区别上.

第二节的前半部分回顾了伟大的五旬节, another major event in the story of salvation when the Holy Spirit fell on Jesus’ disciples with tongues as of fire in the upper room: “You were in that room / Descending in fire.圣灵的降临有一个关键的目标, the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the known languages of the nations: “Tongues broke out / Like a gospel choir”. The reference to a gospel choir communicates above all the joy in 精神 that flows from the hearing and speaking of the Gospel, but also implicitly hints at the cross-cultural expression of Gospel by drawing attention to a particular musical genre with a universal appeal.

The second half of the second verse describes the effects of Pentecost still felt today in the church, which is like a room where 精神 still moves and reveals His works to us: “You are in this room / Spirit, 你要走了/给我们看看, 主, /你在做什么.” The Spirit’s descent in “that” room happens in “this” room too because in both cases 精神 empowers the church for witness. The immediate context of the previous half of the verse invites us to pray for 精神 to illumine our minds with the proclamation of the wonders of God in Christ Jesus and to discern what 精神 is doing among us to proclaim such wonders across the nations in our midst. 五旬节的持续意义, 圣灵燃烧的火焰, for empowering the church’s singing of the Gospel anew in our times (“like a gospel choir”) comes through in the text.

第一个副歌重复,提醒我们圣灵与我们同在,在我们之上. 接着是第二声合唱, which develops an interpretation of previously used titles for 精神 (“My Counselor and friend”) in the broader context of two new titles: “You are the Holy Spirit / My Comforter and peace.“除了强调圣灵与我们的亲近, the chorus ultimately explains all the titles for 精神 (counselor / comforter; friend / peace) in terms of the intercessory effects of His work for believers amidst the struggles of life: “When I’m in times of trouble / You intercede for me.” The second chorus makes clear that 精神’s work of sanctification does not lead to some perfection of holiness in this life. 而不是, 精神’s ongoing work in the life of the believer happens amidst the afflictions of life brought about by the sinful flesh, 魔鬼, 这个世界. 在困难的时候,圣神不会抛弃我们,而是陪伴我们.” The authors blend Johannine and Pauline themes in their description of 精神’s activity, suggesting that comfort and peace—and our experience of 精神’s counsel and friendship—comes in knowing that He prays in us according to God’s will even when we do not know how to pray.

这首歌以桥结束. But now its prayer takes on new meaning considering the descriptions of 精神’s works laid out in the rest of the song. We now come to the bridge, but with a deeper sense of where 精神 is going and leading us. 它是一种生命,在这种生命中,造物主的灵塑造了我们,使我们成为上帝受洗的孩子, 用福音之光照亮我们的思想和心灵, 激发我们向列国宣讲福音的热情, 在精神攻击中为我们代祷. 即使没有我们的祷告,圣灵也照样作工, 但在这首歌中,我们谦卑地求圣灵也在我们中间作工. 来吧,圣灵! 带我一起走吧. 阿门.
